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Tourism Info Padang Beach (Taplau), West Sumatera: Ticket Price, Location and Route

One of the icon of Padang's favorite tour is Padang beach. This tourist attraction that extends on the west side of the capital of West Sumatera province is almost every day crowded with tourists, both locally and outside.

You can say, who came to visit the city of Padang will feel the loss if it does not make a stopover on the beach that has a beautiful view of this sunset.

Since the Padang city government maximizes the improvement of infrastructure in the place that by the people of Padang city is also often called Taplau (Tapi Laut) which means the sea side.

The Area around it is now cleaner and neatly arranged. The tourists are increasingly comfortable and pampered when enjoying the beauty of the scenery and feel the warmth of the waves in the beach lips. Or just play kites, roller skates until cycling.

For parking The tourists also need to worry, because the parking area is already available spacious and well managed.

On the north side of Padang Beach, there is a lineup of kiosks that are specially built for traders who sell a wide range of goods or services. Cafes, clothes to souvenirs. Meanwhile, behind the Lake Cimpago offers a view that is also not less interesting.

Padang Beach is also very often used as an arena or location of big events such as Padang City Annual tourism event, Siti Nurbaya Festival. Even a few times passed for the Tour de Singkarak route.

Location of Padang Beach

Padang Beach is located in the urban dense area of West Padang district. This beach extends from the Purus area to the estuary of Batang Arau.

Padang Beach is approximately 23 km from Minangkabau International Airport, which can be reached in 30 minutes by car.

Route to Padang Beach

Padang Beach is located not far from the city center. It can even be considered in the downtown area. Therefore access to the beach is very easy. Can be reached by various modes of transportation, both private and public.

Padang Beach Opening Hours

Given the location of the beach in a crowded residential area, the activity of the population never broke, as well as this beach. The beach is open to visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Padang Beach Ticket Prices

To be able to enjoy the beauty of the beach Panorama on Padang Beach, visitors are not subject to admission or free.

The end only needs to pay the parking fee. IDR 2,000 for motorcycles, and IDR 5,000 for car.

Facilities in Pantai Padang

Padang Beach itself has facilities such as walkways for pedestrians, and there is also a free tourist bus stop marked by the instructions.

Then there are mosques that can be found along the beach. There is also a basketball court located on Jl. Samudera.

Besides being able to take a free tourist bus, along the line of Padang Beach can be found various snacks such as coconut, grilled corn, soto and meatball skewers.

Interesting Activities in Padang Beach

There is a lot of beauty stored in this beach. All of them are ready to make visitors fascinated and get to know them for a long time.

Once arriving in the coastal area, the first beautiful natural scenery is a roll of huge sea waves and hitting the rocks.

The long coastline makes the scenery as exotic as the backdrop of Mount Padang, which appears in the distance.

In the following, we have a wealth of this beach. All of them can be enjoyed in 1 visiting opportunity.

1. Sunset

When dusk arrives and the sun begins to sunset the magical atmosphere is presented by this beach. The sun that goes down slowly to the point of view between the sky and the sea will spray the yellow color Keemas-emasan that is refrdicated by water.

Padang Beach overlooking the west, towards the vast ocean offers the natural beauty of Sunset. This beach provides a luxury to visitors to see the dramatic sunset. Because of the Sunset enchantment offered, make Padang Beach many visited in the afternoon.

2. Culinary

When visiting Padang Beach, visitors do not need to worry about food and drink. This beach provides adequate facilities consisting of many merchants and shops selling various kinds of food and beverages. From cold drinks and sparkling beverages, to young coconut ice, boiled eggs, boiled beans and others.

There is also a culinary area decorated with tents of merchants that are neatly arranged and provide a variety of typical Padang cuisine such as Langkitang, Pensi, and other menus that shake the tongue.

Various dining options are available along the beach. The Menu is available from lontong pical, roasted corn, rujak, satay, fried food, to seafood. The sea fish Menu is served fresh, as it comes from fishing catches around.

3. Spot Photos

While reaching the main destination to enjoy the panoramic beauty of the sea and beach, visitors can also take beautiful photos on this beach. Visitors who visit Padang Beach, can take a memorable photo of the memories by having a picture.

To hunt for photos in Padang Beach, you can use the beautiful spots in Taman Muaro. It can also make use of spots that can not be found in other tourist objects, namely IORA Monument. The IORA monument resembles the signs of directions. But it is shown not the city, but the names of countries that belong to the association of countries in the Indian Ocean region.

In addition to the IORA monument, another object that is also a favorite of citizens is the monument that reads ' Padang City ' and the Peace Dove Monument.

4. Enjoy Relaxing

Taking a break from the daily bustle and various problems there is certainly a useful thing. Such a break is not just about resting the body, but also resting the soul from the burden of workload and the pressures of life.

Sitting in Muaro Park is also a pleasant activity. Because the eyes will be pampered by the beauty of flowers and various types of plants are arranged in such a beautiful.

For visitors who come with family and bring children here there are also facilities available.

No need to worry the children will get bored and take home. Because in Padang beach area, there is a children's play area.

The children's toy facilities are filled with rabbit trains and a wide range of rides can be rented for a fee.

5. Jogging Track

Sports have become a lifestyle for young children. For adults, a popular sport is a sport that can be done while you have fun.

Jogging meets qualified for these two things. Jogging can be a means of exercise and can also be a means to have fun gathered together with friends of one community.

Realizing the potential of this recreational sport, Padang government built a jogging track in Padang beach. Tracks that stretch along the beach and around the park, making sports activities as well as eye-wash activities.

Eye Wash See the beautiful panorama of Padang beach, and wash eyes see the diversity of visitors who come to this beach.

For those who want to jog, this place is also favorite because the sidewalk is wide and tidy. People can run the afternoon while feeling the sea breeze. Bicycle rentals are available for guests who wish to get around without a motor vehicle at Padang Beach.
