The Beautiful Island of Indonesia

The Beauty of Caroline Beach, Padang City: Pictures, Ticket Prices, Address and Location

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The potential of the beach in West Sumatera is never receding to awaken our tourist desires. One of the causes is the increasing number of modernization in various directions, so that beach tourism becomes a pleasant natural object.

This time we will peel a beautiful beach located in West Sumatera Padang, namely Caroline Beach.

The Beauty of Caroline Beach

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Caroline Beach is a beach that has a beautiful natural panorama and exotic, with water that is so clear, waves that are so big, and trees lined by the beach, make the tourists both domestic and foreign willingly Flocking to this beach.

This beach is perfect for you want to snorkel because the view of coral reefs and fish underwater is very beautiful and enchanting, not only that, the waves that are on the beach is also very good for you who want to surf.

When a weekend getaway or school holiday This place is a very crowded place visited by domestic and foreign tourists.

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Not only because the natural panorama is very beautiful, but because it is close to the city of Padang with a distance of only 25 km, so tourists do not struggle to visit this slaughter, because if you do not have a vehicle you can also use taxi, Public transportation, and vehicle rental, making it easier for tourists to visit this beach.

Around the beach there are also tourist attractions and small islands exotic and beautiful, such as Banana Island, Kasiak Island, Sirandah Island, Gadang Island, Talena Island, and Pasumpahan Island.

And on the beach there is also a place to see the beauty of the underwater that is very enchanting very suitable for you who want to snorkling.

Carolina beach, images carolina beach, carolina beach, caroline beach, caroline beach, images caroline beach, carolina bungus, caroline bungus, carolina beach bungus, caroline beach bungus, carolina sumbar, sumbar, ticket price, ticket admission, location, address, caroline sumbar, carolina beach sumbar, caroline beach sumbar

Carolina Beach The Paradise of Surfing in Sumatera

The waves on the beach are very tempting for surfing lovers. In addition to this big wave, it always invites lovers of surfing to conquer the waves.

Besides enjoying the wave rolls through surfing, visitors can also enjoy the waves while sitting around the beach.

Carolina beach, images carolina beach, carolina beach, caroline beach, caroline beach, images caroline beach, carolina bungus, caroline bungus, carolina beach bungus, caroline beach bungus, carolina sumbar, sumbar, ticket price, ticket admission, location, address, caroline sumbar, carolina beach sumbar, caroline beach sumbar
There are many fun activities that can be encountered in this place. What's more for you who come to the beach with family or friends, then it will be more fun.

Before deciding to go to this beach, you can prepare everything with maturity. Especially your physical preparation if you want to conquer waves with surfing activities.

Facilities and accommodation available

The facilities on the coast of Carolina are indeed a fascination for tourists why it should come to this white sandy beach. There are many facilities that you will encounter there, including:

Boat or boat rental

The beauty that the beach has, of course, you don't want to leave? How to enjoy the beautiful beach that you can do by going around the beach by boat or boat that you can rent.

Carolina beach, images carolina beach, carolina beach, caroline beach, caroline beach, images caroline beach, carolina bungus, caroline bungus, carolina beach bungus, caroline beach bungus, carolina sumbar, sumbar, ticket price, ticket admission, location, address, caroline sumbar, carolina beach sumbar, caroline beach sumbar


The lodging around the beach is able to provide the convenience for the tourists who want to rest from their fatigue and accommodation.

Public toilets

Finding a public toilets on the beach is not hard to find. There are many public toilets that are well kept clean.

Culinary Menu

In addition to the diversity of tourism objects, Sumatra also keeps a lot of typical culinary menus that you will not find elsewhere. The tourists will be more easily find some kind of food that has a taste very delicious and delicious.

Ticket Price for Admission to Carolina Beach in Padang

Generally, the ticket price for admission is different between public holidays, Sundays or regular days. Here we include a price list of admission to the Padang City area. Prices may change at any time.

During the weekday, the entrance ticket price of Carolina beach is IDR5,000. In the weekend, the entrance to the Carolina beach is IDR5,000.

Carolina beach, images carolina beach, carolina beach, caroline beach, caroline beach, images caroline beach, carolina bungus, caroline bungus, carolina beach bungus, caroline beach bungus, carolina sumbar, sumbar, ticket price, ticket admission, location, address, caroline sumbar, carolina beach sumbar, caroline beach sumbar
It is worth the price confirmation through the call center below. Weekday prices generally mean Monday-Friday, while weekends are Saturday and Sunday.

For visitors who use a private car or rental car, there is also a IDR5000 parking fee.

The use of speedboat from Caroline Beach to Sikuai Island is supplied with a rate of IDR 500,000 to IDR 600,000. As well as IDR 800,000 to Cibadak Island which is also not far from the beach location of Caroline. It is recommended that you make a price quote in advance.

Location of Carolina Beach

This white sandy beach is located in Bungus Bay, Padang, West Sumatera. The beach is directly adjacent to the south coast, which is the range of 25 KM from Padang.

While the Carolina is included as a beach that has a well maintained sea cleanliness. You can visit this location together with family and friends using bus rental around Padang.

Things to do in Caroline beach

The beach atmosphere is not going to give boredom for the tourist. But if you are already on the beach until hours and start to feel bored, then you can do activities like the following:


Fishing is a very enjoyable activity. At the beach, you can enjoy fishing. In addition you will not feel bored if you fill the fishing activity when it comes to the beach.

Play football

Almost everybody loves to play ball, especially for men. If you come to the beach with a group, then you can bring a ball before heading to the beach.


The atmosphere and the panorama that is under the sea are very tempting. The activity that you can do is by snorkeling. Beneath the sea, you can see the coral reefs, various types of ornamental fish that are very charming, see marine animals such as ornamental fish and others.


For tourists who love surfing or surving, then you can also do it on Carolina beach. Through the great and high waves, you can surround the beach following the wave direction.


The beach breeze, the shady trees on the beach, makes the visitors can erase their sense of confidence by sleeping by the beach. You can do rental mats provided around the beach. In addition you jug can bring a folding beach chair that you can bring from home.

Carolina beach, images carolina beach, carolina beach, caroline beach, caroline beach, images caroline beach, carolina bungus, caroline bungus, carolina beach bungus, caroline beach bungus, carolina sumbar, sumbar, ticket price, ticket admission, location, address, caroline sumbar, carolina beach sumbar, caroline beach sumbar
Carolina Beach provides an attraction through the facilities provided while providing the beauty that is so very charming. Everyone does need a vacation to relieve stress and fatigue.

Everyone will not be separated from a routine, so that the daily routine performed should be balanced with the holidays to keep the mind fresh.
