The Beautiful Island of Indonesia

White Crater Ciwidey Tourism Info Bandung: History, Routes, and Tips

Bandung has many tourist destinations, both natural tourism and not. One of the most visited nature tourism by people when visiting the West Java region is the White Crater. The White Crater offers beautiful and exotic views. This place is perfect for you to visit when you are in vacation with friends, family, or even solo traveling.

The White Crater itself is a lake formed by the eruption of Mount Patuha. Many people also believe that in addition to the consequences of natural phenomena, the White Crater is formed by the existence of a myth. What kind of myth does the White Crater area have? The following article discusses some things you should know about the White Crater and what you can enjoy while there.

Ciwidey White Crater History

It is very natural in Indonesia, that many famous locations have a history and myth that form it. The formation process can be scientifically explained or only myths and legends are able to explain them all. The White Crater area also has such myths. The surrounding community also believed it because the myth was told hereditary.

1. Eruptive Form of Mount Patuha

As explained above, the White Crater is shaped as it is now due to the very powerful eruption of Mount Patuha in the 10th century and 12th century. Therefore, at first the White Crater has the name of Mount Patuha crater. However, many people call it the white crater because the water in the crater is white in color. In fact, Mount Patuha form two craters in the western part, but the white crater remains the main destination for the visitors when traveling to the area.

2. Beginnings Found

In fact, this place has not been known by people living in the area. This is because the area is known as a very haunted place because every bird that flies past the White Crater will surely fall and die.

Until finally, an expert named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn data to the area of Mount Patuha to do a study in the year 1837. When he reached the top of the mountain, he saw a lake with a turquoise water with a blast of lava on it and a very strong smell of sulfur.

After Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn found the site, the Dutch government later built a limestone plant named Zwavel Ontgining the White Crater. When Japan still colonized Indonesia, the factory took over and was renamed to the White Crater Kenzanka Yokoya Ciwidey.

After the meeting, the White Crater area began to be widely known by many people. Since then, the government has begun development in the White Crater area of Ciwidey as a natural tourist destination.

3. Legends and Myths

It is said that the people living in the area believe that the White crater area has a sacred and very powerful mystical Eve. This makes the surrounding community believe that the area at the top of the mountain there are seven tombs of the ancestors who each name begins with the designation "Eyang". The seven ancestral or elders tombs are the tombs of Eyang Rangsa Sadana, Eyang Camat, Eyang Jaga Satru, Eyang Barabak, Eyang Baskom, Eyang Ngabai, and Eyang Jambrong.

Activities That Can Be Tried When Visiting the White Crater

Outside of the myth that haunts the White Crater area, there is still no visitors who stop to come to spend their holiday to the area. The visitors who come also many who come from the local area even foreign tourists.

Many visitors come to this tourist spot to fulfill their curiosity about what the White Crater is and how the myth can be solved scientifically. It is able to increase the tourism value of this White Crater and improve the economy of the people around.

The White Crater Ciwidey itself is at an altitude of 2,090 meters above sea level. Judging from the height of the area, this place is very cool not to mention the White Crater is surrounded by dead forest that has a unique view of the many dry tree chains.

It makes the White Crater area like a fairy tale country. Even many visitors who come to do holiday activities in the crater and the Misty Forest, among others:

1. Photographed

Like a highly developed trend in this technological era, many visitors are capturing their moments when visiting the white crater with a picture of the White Crater and the surrounding landscape.

The White Crater does have a distinctive charm so that any photograph captured on this object can be very captivating and aesthetically pleasing.

Not infrequently, many prospective couples will marry a prewedding photo session in the White Crater area. The landscape offered by Ciwidey White Crater area gives a romantic impression on the shots taken.

2. Relaxation in the hot spring bath

If you feel very tired after a long week of work, you can eliminate your sense of your own by doing relaxation in the hot spring baths available in Ciwidey White crater area.

Some hot springs are built in the area around the white crater, such as the hot spring baths Cimanggu and Ciwalini.

Geothermal energy derived from Mount Patuha gives a hot spring that you can use for relaxation, even the energy converted also as power plant.

In addition, the content of sulfur or sulfur in the water is very beneficial to the health of your skin.

Route to the White Crater Tourism Spot

In addition to the two main purposes of visitors traveling to the White Crater above, there are several activities performed by visitors, namely overnight in the area around the White Crater because of the beauty offered and also culinary tour around the area.

There is even a lot of things willing to come only for a trip to the White Crater Ciwidey which is located at Sugihmukti, Pasirjambu, Bandung, West Java. Moreover, there are many ways for you to come to the White Crater. Here are the routes that you can try to reach the White Crater based on the type of vehicle you are using:

1. Private vehicle

If you plan to go on a private vehicle, especially a car, you can go to Purbaleunyi toll Road (Kopo Toll Gate). After that, turn right towards Kopo-Soreang street where you will get to Ciwidey area shortly afterwards. Then, the road continues to find the entrance on the tourist area of the White Crater Bandung on the left side of the road.

In addition to cars, you can also use motorcycles to go to the White crater area. If you depart from the direction of Jakarta, there are two lines that you can pass. On the first track, you can pass the Jakarta-Bandung route through Purwakarta which requires you to go through several cities, namely Jakarta-Kota Bekasi-Regency Bekasi-District Karawang-Kabupaten Purwakarta-Regency of Bandung-Cimahi-City Bandung. On the second track, you can come faster than the first line because it uses the Jonggol line which is an alternative route for motorcycle users who pass the Bogor-Cianjur-Bandung West-Cimahi-Kota Peak Line Bandung-Padalarang-Soreang via Batujajar-Ciwidey until you find the entrance of the white crater tourist area.

2. Public transportation

Buses are public transportation that are often used to go to the White crater area. If you go by bus, you will definitely be relegated to Leuwi Panjang Terminal. After arriving at the terminal, you can take the L300 public transport Department Ciwidey and continue using the Yellow Public Transportation Department of Ciwidey-Situ Patenggang and alight at the entrance gate of the white crater.

If you prefer to take the train, you will have to get off at Bandung station and pass by public transportation in blue-green with number 34 majors Sadang Serang-carwant and get off at Jalan Kopo. After that, go again by taking a bus bound for Leuwi Panjang-Ciwidey and get off at Ciwidey Terminal and continue by the yellow Public transport Department of Ciwidey-Situ Patenggang.

In addition to trains and buses, if you come by airplane and get off at Husein Sastranegara Airport, you must take the green public transportation with the aim of LEUWI Panjang and proceed again by taking the L300 public transportation with Ciwidey and pass again using the yellow public transportation majoring in Ciwidey-Situ Patenggang.

If you have arrived at the entrance gate of the white crater either of the vehicle type, you have to walk for 5 Km to enter the white crater. However, you can ride Ontang Anting for IDR 13,000 per person with maximum number of 12 people. Ontang earrings itself is a vehicle shaped similar to a minibus that is modified into an open vehicle.

Admission Ticket Price for White Crater, Ciwidey, Bandung

For the admission price of Ciwidey White crater itself IDR 18,000 per person for local tourists and IDR 50,000 per person for foreign tourists. As for the parking fee is quite varied vehicle, ie IDR 150,000 to park the car above (location near the crater), IDR 35,000 above motorcycle parking, IDR 6,000 car park below (location near the entrance gate), IDR 5,000 motor parking below, and IDR 25,000 bus parking is below.
Entrance Ticket Price
Local Tourists IDR 18,000 /person
Foreign Tourists IDR 50,000 /person
Parking Ticket Price
Near the Crater (Car) IDR 150,000 /car
Near the Crater (Motorcycle) IDR 35,000 /motorcycle
Near thr Entrance Gate (Car) IDR 6,000 /car
Near the Entrance Gate (Motorcycle) IDR 5,000 /motorcycle
Near the Entrance Gate (Bus) IDR 25,000 /bus

Tips When Visiting the White Crater, Ciwidey

There are some information about tips when you want to visit Ciwidey White Crater, among others:
  • Depart early in the morning to avoid getting stuck, especially during holidays. It is also to anticipate the distance travelled from the city of Bandung which is much time consuming because the area of the White crater Ciwidey has operational hours starting from 07:00 WIB – 17:00 WIB only.
  • Prepare warm clothes as well as umbrellas because during the day the area is always covered by thick fog and even often used by rain. Do not forget to also bring a mask to protect the breathing from the very strong sulfur smell of the crater.
  • Wear shoes that are very comfortable and easy to use. And be vigilant about things not to be lost. In addition, carrying a lot of stuff will also make you spend a lot of energy and easily tired.

These are some facts and information on holiday to the White Crater. If there is leisure time, spending time with friends, lovers, or even family to visit the White Crater Ciwidey is not a bad choice.

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